Monday, June 29, 2009

File Encription with Cipher

The Cipher command provides the capability to encrypt and decrypt files and folders
from a command prompt. The following example shows the available switches for the
Cipher command:

cipher [/e | /d] [/s:folder_name] [/a] [/i] [/f] [/q] [/h] [/k] [file_name [...]]

/e Encrypts the specified folders. Folders are marked so any files that are added later are encrypted.
/d Decrypts the specified folders. Folders are marked so any files that are added later are not encrypted.
/s Performs the specified operation on files in the given folder and all subfolders.
/a Performs the specified operation on files as well as folders. Encrypted files could be decrypted when modified if the parent folder is not encrypted. Encrypt the file and the parent folder to avoid problems.
/i Continues performing the specified operation even after errors have occurred. By default, Cipher stops when an error is encountered.
/f Forces the encryption operation on all specified files, even those that are already encrypted. Files that are already encrypted are skipped by default.
/q Reports only the most essential information.
/h Displays files with the hidden or system attributes, which are not shown by
/k Creates a new file encryption key for the user running the Cipher command. Using this option causes the Cipher command to ignore all other options.
file_name specifies a pattern, file, or folder.

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